dr Krtolica

Choose to smile, choose your smile,
and don’t stop smiling.


Over 30 years of experience and over 10.000 satisfied patients. Numerous awards and merits. Cutting edge expertise, vast experience, ever- expanding knowledge. A respected institution. „In our dental office you will find a doctor who takes care of You, Your family dentist. Our goal is your oral health and the smile on your face.“

d-r dent.med. Ana Krtolica-Georgiev


Preventive dentistry

Good prevention and high awareness of your oral health can help you keep your teeth and gums healthy.

Conservative dentistry

Today there are many aesthetic solutions for your teeth that are simple and durable.


Untreated caries often reaches the nerve of the tooth, thereby causing infection.


Early diagnosis of abnormalities in the growth and development of teeth, dental arches and the entire oral-facial mass is the first condition for success in orthodontic therapy.

Temporomandibular dysfunction (TMD)

The modern lifestyle, fast and stressful, often results in frequent headaches. One of the reasons for such headaches is Bruxism, or teeth clenching.

Oral and periodontal diseases

The soft and hard tissues around the teeth (periodontal ligament, alveolar bone, gums and epithelial junction) are the foundation that holds the teeth embedded in the bone.


Prosthetics is almost magical. It allows you to reconstruct everything you need or you lack in your mouth.

Aesthetic dentistry

Aesthetic dentistry is a field in which our doctors invest a lot of time in educational and technological upgrading.

Oral surgery and implantology

Surgical interventions are sometimes inevitable and with their help we extend the life of "problematic" teeth.

Pediatric dentistry

Developing of habits begins at an early age. Your child should get acquainted with the dental office and the dentist no later than the second year of life.

Темпоромандибуларна дисфункција (ТМД)

Создавањето на навиките започнува од најраната возраст. Вашето дете треба да се запознае со стоматолошката...

Усни болести и парадентологија

Меките и тврдите ткива околу забите се темел што ги држи забите всадени во коската.


Dental Tourism

Посетете прекрасни места и вратете се дома
со перфектна насмевка.


Natali R. Pavleska

Exceptional professionalism!
Dr. Krtolica is keen to primarily take care of her patients’ oral health, along with their safety by maintaining very strict protocols during the pandemic. This long lasting dedication is accompanied by a premium after care treatment. Highly recommended!


Biljana Maksimovska

I choose dr. Krtolica because I have no doubts about the quality of their work and their subtlety in providing an outstanding aesthetics. We chose Ana Krtolica as our family dentist because we highly esteem the importance of oral health and oral aesthetics. In seeking the best and being very demanding regarding our family’s needs and preferences, we chose and we wholeheartedly recommend dr. Krtolica.

Jonathan Vlaisavljevic

Most recommended!
This is the best possible dental service on a global scale, believe me, you shouldn’t miss it! For more than 20 years dr. Krtolica is our family dentist. Kindness, patience, outstanding professionalism! Exquisite and clean, warm dental office. You will never, ever regret!!!

Marine Levere

I visited dr. Krtolica while I was in Skopje for a holiday and I was delighted by the quality of the dental care and the kindness of the doctors. I was surprised to learn that the materials they use and the technique they perform are more advanced that at my dentist’s practice in France. Not to mention that the price is very affordable compared to any other dental practice in EU. I highly recommend this doctor, especially if you need total reconstruction of your teeth, All-ceramic crowns or implants. They are simply the best in what they are doing!